Presenting at the 8th Biogeomon, Bayreuth Germany 2014

In July 2014, I had the opportunity to present research at the 8th Biogeochemical Monitoring meeting (Biogeomon) in Bayreuth, Germany. The last Biogeomon was held in Rockport, Maine and was a great time for meeting international forest scientists. This year was equally as productive and fun. I presented research on differences we observed in mercury, lead, copper, and zinc in forest soils that had been clear-cut and had not been clear-cut in the past 50 years. In short, metals such as copper and zinc were not lost to clear cutting but non-essential metals, lead, and mercury, were lower at clear-cut stands. In addition to learning about research conducted in the US, Scandinavia, central Europe, Russia, Japan, and southeast Asia, I had the chance to really learn about the history of Germany and its many beers! I had the chance to also talk with Dr. Goodale, a ’92 alum of Dartmouth College.

8th annual Biogeomon talks

Check out some of the fun.

lecture hall
lecture hall
Keynote addresses were packed to capacity for global leaders in biogeochemical research!
poster session Biogeomon
poster session Biogeomon
The afternoons were filled with great poster sessions and local beers.
christine goodale '92 at poster im in there I promise
christine goodale '92 at poster im in there I promise
Dr. Goodale describes her research with fellow scientists. See if you can find me!
Christy goodale and I
Christy goodale and I
Dr. Goodale and I at the Biogeomon conference.
World cup celebration
World cup celebration
The streets of Bayreuth on first night was full of commotion as Germany won the 2014 world cup.
funk dance party in beer hall
funk dance party in beer hall
The last night held a grand event in a local beer hall (Bierpalast hof).
A proper beer
A proper beer
The only way to drink a proper beer in Germany, by the liter.

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