Quartz on hematite at UMass Dept of Geoscience’s Rausch mineral gallery.

Wulfenite on Mottramite at Rausch mineral gallery.

Clesson Brook cut through a landslide in western Mass.

Cascadilla gorge, Ithaca NY

Actinolite rock – hydrothermally altered rock in western Mass.

Actinolite rock under polarized light

Postfire Santa Ana Mountains in southern California.

Block-Joint weathering of Schist in southern California

Dead tilapia in the dying Salton sea of southern California

Deerfield River – a watershed covering parts of western Massachusetts and southern Vermont. The topography is generally steep and valley bottoms have limited accumulation of finer sediments.

Visiting Rio Icacos at the Luquillo CZO.

Spherical weathering of tonalite at the Luquillo CZO.

Tuckermans Ravine, a glacial cirque in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

German Alps, largely Limestones.

Visiting some famous rocks, Stonehenge.