Group Members

Principal Investigator

Dr. Justin B. Richardson

Assistant Professor

University of Virginia – Department of Environmental Sciences 2023 –  Present


University of Massachusetts Amherst – Department of Geosciences 2018 – 2023

Education: Bachelors of Science, Environmental Science – Soil Science focus
University of California Riverside (2010)

Doctorate of Philosophy, Earth Sciences
Dartmouth College (2015)

Hometown: Temecula, California USA

Email: Justin.Richardson(at)

(Be sure to change (at) to @ symbol)

Justin Richardson CV 2024 Jan

Graduate Student Researchers

(Photo: Alex showing off soil fresh from the pit!)

Alexandrea Rice

PhD candidate – Department of Environmental Sciences

Hometown: Rockland, Pennsylvania

Education: BS Environmental Science 2017
Allegheny College

MS – Ecosystems and Ecology in Forest and Natural Resources Management 
SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry

Masters Thesis: Tree Variability Limits the Detection of Nutrient Treatment Effects on Sap Flow in a Northern Hardwood Forest


Research interests: Forest nutrient cycling, Soil science, Biogeochemistry

Project title: Application of Ca, Mg, and K stable isotopes to constrain nutrient budgets following forest regeneration.

 Minh (Robin) Tri Truong

PhD student – Department of Environmental Sciences

Hometown: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Education: BS Analytical Chemistry  – Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

MS Department of Atmospheric Sciences
National Central University, Taiwan.
Masters Thesis: Long-term atmospheric mercury wet deposition measurements at urban and suburban sites in Taiwan in 2009-2018

 Research interests: Toxic metals, atmospheric deposition, analytical methodology

Nischal Acharya Lab work 1

 Nischal Acharya

MS student – Department of Environmental Sciences – Fall 2024

Hometown: Sindhuli, Nepal

Education: Bachelors in Science (Honours) in Agriculture, Purbanchal University, Nepal

Research Interest: Soil fertility, Soil Nutrient Management, Soil Biogeochemistry, Carbon Sequestration

Project: Rock dust and biochar application to study soil properties and growth of loblolly pine and soybean

Undergraduate Researchers

Robert Kohlhaas

Hometown: Fredrick, VA

Education: BS Environmental Science 2025

Degree: B.S. Environmental Science and Minor in Urban + Environmental Planning (Spring 2025)

Research Interest: Forestry, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Justice

Project: Stream health of toxic metal biogeochemistry of stream water and bottom sediments in proximity to former Acid Mine Drainage in central Virginia. 

Sophia Schroeder

Hometown: Falls Church
Degree: B.S. Environmental Science Spring 2026
Research interest: Mineralogy, Metals, Geomorphology
Project: Examining the soil health of former mine sites around Lake Anna, VA

Emily Wu

Hometown: Maryland

Degree: B.S. Biology and Statistics 2025

Research Interest: Ecology, Plant dynamics, Stream Ecology, Biogeochemistry

Project: Comparing resorption of macro and micronutrients by deciduous trees in Virginia and New England. 

Karinna Fuglie field photo in stream taking measurements

Karinna G.S. Fuglie

Hometown: Falls Church, VA
Degree: B.S. Environmental Science 2026
Research Interest: plants-soil feedbacks, soil biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration
Project: Geochemical controls on Soil organic Carbon and nutrient storage across land-use and geomorphic position at a Piedmont post-agrarian landscape.

Undergraduates (at UVA and beyond) please email me if interested in working in my research group for the summer or during the semester. 

We are always looking for those interested in soils, forests, and of course metals (both toxic and nutrients!)

Undergraduates and prospective graduate students please email me if interested.

Lab Alumni

Ryan Faddis

Hometown: Fairfax VA

Degree: B.S. Environmental Science + B.A. Environmental Thought and Practice (Spring 2025)

Research Interests: Biogeochemistry, Botany, Zoology

Project: Examining soil carbon sequestration of different land uses and soil catenas at Morven Farm, the University of Virginia’s sustainability lab.


Rhea Negrón

Hometown: Worcester, MA, USA

Degree: B.S. of Environmental Sciences, Spring 2024

Worked in research group helping/conducting forest soil sampling, lysimeter water collection, batch reactor weathering experiment.

Starting her PhD at Penn State!

Owen Porterfield

Hometown: Martha’s Vineyard, MA, USA

Degree: B.S. of Environmental Sciences and Minor in Resource Economics, Spring 2023

Thesis completed: “Assessing Changes in Lead and Mercury Distributions and Cycling Dynamics in Undisturbed Forests of the Northeastern United States Between 2011 and 2021

Works professionally in Martha Vineyard Great Point Foundation

Marissa Hanley

Hometown: Bedford, MA, USA

Degree: B.S. of Environmental Sciences, Spring 2022

Thesis completed: “Analyzing the Uptake of Toxic and Nutrient elements in Foraged Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms throughout New England’s Connecticut River Valley”.

Hanley ML, Vukicevich E , Rice AM, Richardson JB, Uptake of Toxic and Nutrient Elements by Foraged Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms Throughout Connecticut River Valley, New England, USA. Submitted to Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Now a MS-PhD student at UMass Amherst


LeAnn Zuñiga

Hometown: Duarte, California

BS Geology – Focus on Environmental Geoscience in 2019 from Cal State LA

MS Geoscience Thesis: “Sourcing and Transport transport of Manganese in Groundwater in Western Massachusetts”.

Works completed:
NSF-GRFP Honorable Mention

Richardson JB, Zuñiga LX. 2021 Quantifying aluminosilicate manganese release and dissolution rates across organic ligand treatments from rocks, minerals, and soils. Acta Geochimica. 40, 484–497

Zuñiga LX, Boutt DF, Richardson JB, 2021 “Manganese Sourcing and Transport in Massachusetts Groundwater: Understanding Dissolution Mechanisms and Creating a Temporally Variant Database” Northeastern Geological Society of America 2021.

Richardson JB, Zuñiga LX “Manganese Dissolution in the Critical Zone – Effects of Minerals, Organic Ligands, and pH”. Soil Science Society of America November 2020.

William Caston

Research Technician
Education:  B.S. Biology – State University of New York Cortland
Did not complete duties and tasks.

Bailee Street

Hometown: North Attleboro, MA, USA

Degree: B.S. of Environmental Sciences and Minor in Chemistry, Spring 2022

Works Completed:

Senior Thesis: Effects of organic horizons on enhanced macro and micronutrient dissolution across northeastern US forest soils

Northeastern Geological Society of America 2021
Street BB., Richardson JB, “Nutrient and Trace Metal Dissolution from Forest Soils across a Climate Gradient Under Forest Floor and Microbial Treatments”

Street, B.B., Rice, A.M. and Richardson, J.B., 2023. Forest floor and Na azide effect on elements in leachate from contrasting New Hampshire and Virginia forest soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal.

Working professional in Maine

Stephanie Thrasher

Degree: B.S. Geology Spring 2022

Works completed: 

Senior thesis: Trace metal release from sulfidic schist weathering from field observations and laboratory experiments.

Richardson JB, Thrasher SA, Saccardi B, Clark EV. Sulfidic schist release of As, Cu, and Pb in laboratory experiments and across eleven watersheds in central Massachusetts, USA. Submitted to Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

Dr. Guranda Avkopashvili

Fulbright Scholar

Hometown: Tblisi, Georgia

Education: Tblisi State University
Institute of Physics Ivane Javajhishvili
PhD in Chemistry (Application for Ecology)

Doctoral thesis of focused on Phytomitigation of heavy metals in soils polluted regions of Georgia (Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Chiatura and others).

Objectives completed during her Fulbright:

1. Field study of heavy metals in Georgia’s soil and common herbs.

2. Laboratory study of trace metal (As, Cd, Pb) phytoaccumulation by six common spice plants.

Eric Sirkovich

Hometown: Lexington, MA, USA

Degree: Environmental Sciences  2021

Works presented:

Sirkovich EC***, Perdrial NS, Richardson JB “Contributions to PXRF measurement error for trace metals in urban soils across properties and conditions”. Geological Society of America October 2020. Virtual

Works Completed 

Senior Honors Thesis: Influence of Variable Soil properties on pXRF Analyses of Trace element Concentrations in Urban Soils

Walser SL, Sirkovich EC, Richardson JB, McStay AE, Perdrial NJ. 2022 Moisture, organic matter, and large particle correction for accurate Pb portable X-ray fluorescence assessment in urban soils. X-Ray Spectrometry 52(2):72-82  1-11 DOI: 10.1002/xrs.3321

Now works professionally as a consultant in Boston

Ivan Mischenko

Hometown: Bellingham MA
Degree Environmental Science 2020
Works presented:

2021 Mischenko IC***, Richardson JB “Assessing Lead Bioavailability and Uptake in Forests and Their Soils Across New England, Hints at Modern and Historical Lead Cycling”. Northeastern Geological Society, March15 2021. Virtual talk

2020 Mischenko IC***, Mackowiak, TJ***, Richardson JB “Geologic and Anthropogenic Controls on the Regional Scale Variability of Nutrients in Forest Soils across Southern New England”. Soil Science Society of America November 2020. Virtual

Studies Published:

Richardson JB, Mischenko IC***, Mackowiak TJ***, Perdrial N. 2021 Release of trace metals and metalloids from gray shale weathering profiles along a climate gradient and in laboratory incubations – with emphasis on Ga/Al ratios. Geoderma

Mistikawy J.A., Mackowiak T., Butler M.J., Mischenko I.C., Cernack R.S., Richardson J.B. 2020  “Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, and Cobalt mobility and bioavailability from mafic-to-ultramafic mine spoil weathering in western Massachusetts, USA”.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

Now works in financial sector. 

Ainsley McStay

Hometown: Franklin, MA

Degree: Environmental Science and Sustainable Food and Farming

Research interest: Soil science, plant biology, and urban agriculture

Study published:

McStay AE, Walser SL, Sirkovich EC, Perdrial NJ, Richardson JB. 2022 Macronutrients micronutrients, and toxic elements in soils measured by pXRF and ICP-based methods and assessment of plant tissue concentrations across ten urban community garden soils. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Jahziel Chase 

Hometown: Plano, TX, USA

Degree: Associates in Life Science: Biology, Associates in Liberal Art: Math and Science Mass Transfer

Biochemistry – UMass Amherst in the spring of 2021

Study published:

Richardson JB, Chase JK, 2021 Transfer of major nutrients, micronutrient, and toxic elements from soil to grapes to white wines in uncontaminated vineyards. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(24), 13271

Completed his PhD from Northeastern University in Boston

Corey Palmer

Hometown: Marcellus, New York

Degree Completed: M.S. Geoscience Fall 2020


Work presented at Soil Science Society of America 2019 Fall Meeting

Palmer CA, Richardson JB, Derry LA “Greater gallium sorption rates due to intense chemical weathering: variations across four CZOs in the United States”. Soil Science Society of America Meeting, San Diego CA. January 8th, 2019.

PhD student at UMass Amherst

Mark Butler

Hometown: Sturbridge MA, USA
Degree: Environmental Science, Graduation Date: Fall 2020

Works Completed:

Honors Thesis: Riparian soil retention and sediment and dissolved transport of toxic metals in the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut

Butler MJ, Yellen BC, Oyewumi O., Richardson JB “Accumulation and transport of nutrient and pollutant elements in riparian soils, sediments, and river waters across the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut, USA” Science of the Total Environment 165630.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165630

 Works professionally in consulting.

Trevor Mackowiak

Hometown: Grafton, MA, USA
Degree: Environmental Science, Graduation Date: Spring 2020
Currently pursuing an M.S. at the University of Vermont

Works completed:

Honors Thesis: An Analysis of Trace Metals in Southern California Soils Across Lithologies and an Urban, Climatic Gradient

Mackowiak TJ, Mischenko IC, Butler MJ, Richardson JB. 2021 Accumulation of Trace Metals in Soils and Foliage across Lithologies, Ecosystems, and Development Intensities in Southern California. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Mistikawy J.A., Mackowiak T., Butler M.J., Mischenko I.C., Cernack R.S., Richardson J.B. 2020  “Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, and Cobalt mobility and bioavailability from mafic-to-ultramafic mine spoil weathering in western Massachusetts, USA”.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

Works professionally in consulting.

Leon Moore

Hometown: Northampton MA

Work Completed: Developed protocol for Cesium 137 measurement using gamma counter. Collected subsamples from USDA-NRCS subaqeous soil coring. Analyzed hundreds of samples for Hg concentrations.

Work completed:

Richardson J.B., Leon M.S, “A tale of three cities: mercury in urban deciduous trees and soils across land-uses in Poughkeepsie NY, Hartford CT, and Springfield MA USA”. Submitted to Science of the Total Environment.

Rudy Marek

Hometown: Palmer, MA, USA
Degree: Geology BS 2019


Work completed:

Marek R.S., Richardson J.B., 2020 “Investigating surficial geologic controls on soil properties and inorganic nutrient uptake in Western Massachusetts, USA”. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.

Honors College Senior Thesis “Investigating geologic controls on ecophysiology and nutrient cycling in the Forests of New England”.

Works presented:

Marek R, Richardson JB, “Investigating Geologic Controls on Ecophysiology and Nutrient Cycling in the Forest of New England”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.

Works professionally as an arborist.

Brendan Braithwaite

Hometown: Orange, MA USA
Degree: Environmental Science, Graduation Date: May 2019

Work presented:

 Braithwaite B, Richardson JB, “Retention of Trace Metals in Urban Forests and Soils Near Municipal Waste Incinerators Facilities in the Northeastern United States”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.

Works completed:

Senior Thesis: “Retention of trace metals in urban forests and soils near municipal waste incineration facilities in northeastern U.S.”

Jonah Jordan

Hometown: Houston, TX, USA
Degree: Environmental Studies – Geoscience 2019 – College of Idaho

Work completed:

Jordan J.D., Cernak R., Richardson J.B. (2019) “Exploring the role of soil geochemistry on Mn and Mn/Ca uptake on 75-year-old mine spoils in western Massachusetts, USA” Environmental Geochemistry and Health.