Fall 2023 Virginia Association of Professional Soil Science meeting

You don’t need to be a professional soil scientist to know soils and to know the soils of Virginia are quite different than most other parts of the United States.

The advantage of going to a professional soil scientist association is to hear what others working in the field know about the natural processes and their impacts on people. 

Being able to see the subtle nature of subangular blocky peds within prismatic structure or columnar structure is one of many discussion points in the pit.

From nuts and bolts of color, redox, E horizons to more advanced concepts of landscape evolution, epi vs endosaturation, and inherited pedogenic characteristics all take place at the soil profile.

It was a wonderful opportunity to join VAPSS and see the soil science professionals in action. Even though I learned tons about the soils of the Shenandoah valley, I have come away with many more questions!


Learn more about VAPSS on their website: https://www.vapss.org/


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