Download my CV: Justin Richardson CV Dec 2023

Photo of Justin Richardson in a Mollisol with redox features, taken by Dr. Betsy Swanner
Contact me at Justin.Richardson[at]
(Be sure to change [at] to @)
Cancel Earthworms – The Atlantic
Role and impact of invasive earthworms in forest soils in Massachusetts;
Lead in forest soils across northeastern United States;
August 2023 to present
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Virginia
2018 – 2023
Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Department of Geosciences
Adjunct Faculty in Stockbridge School of Agriculture
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Critical Zone Observatory National Office Postdoctoral Fellow
Cornell University
Dept. of Earth and Atm. Sci. – Dr. Louis A. Derry
Dept of Geosciences – Dr. Timothy White – Pennsylvania State University
2011 – 2015
Graduate Student
Dartmouth College
Dept. of Earth Sciences/Environmental Sciences Program
PhD Adviser: Dr. Andrew J. Friedland
2008 – 2010
Undergraduate Researcher
University of California Riverside
Dept. of Botany & Plant Sciences – Adviser: Dr. G. Darrel Jenerette
Dept. of Entomology – Adviser: Dr. William E. Walton
Doctorate of Philosophy 2015, Earth Science, Dartmouth College
Dissertation: Anthropogenic changes to mercury and lead biogeochemistry in forest soils across the northeastern United States.
Bachelor of Science 2010, University of California, Riverside
Major: Environmental Science, Soil Science
Minor: Botany and Plant Science
Associate Professional Soil Scientist
2015 Graduate Student Teaching Award – Dartmouth College
2014 Outstanding Department Teaching Assistant – Dartmouth College
2010 Chancellor’s Honor List – UC Riverside
2009 – 2010 Dean’s Honor List: Spring, Winter, and Fall Quarter – UC Riverside
(***) Indicates Undergraduate or Graduate Mentee Author
Full text available via links.
In review or preparation
In review Richardson JB, Dobson AM. Effects of Rooting, Temperature, and Organic Horizon Development on Temperate Forest Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Inorganic Nutrients in Transplanted Soils. Submitted to Biogeochemistry
In review Richardson JB. Basalt rock dust on soil health properties and inorganic nutrients – laboratory and field study at two organic farm soils in New England, USA. Submitted to Agriculture
(55) Richter DD, Billings SA, Brantley SL, Gaillardet J., Markewitz D., Schlesinger WH., Amundson R., Ashley GM.,…. Richardson JB…. Marilyn Wolf. Earth Sciences Are the Model Sciences of the Anthropocene Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists. 5, e2024CN000237
(54) Rice AM, Perdrial N, Treto V, D’Amato AW, Smith GA, Richardson JB. Influence of parent material mineralogy on forest soil nutrient release rates across a nutrient richness gradient Geoderma 451, 117081
(53) Richardson JB, Truong MT***, Dobson AM. Throughfall and Litterfall Fluxes Reveal New Inputs and Foliar Cycling Maintain Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn Pollution Legacy in Eastern US Temperate Forests. Pollutants 4 (4), 474-489
(52)Teng W***, Yu Q., Mischenko I***, Rice AM***, Richardson JB. Predicting foliar nutrient concentrations across geologic materials and tree genera in the northeastern United States using spectral reflectance and PLSR models. Journal of Remote Sensing 4, 0093.
(51) Buck A., Zarrella-Smith K., Jordaan A., Richardson J.B., Trace elements in European oyster (Ostrea edulis), seawater, and sediments in Boston Harbor, MA, USA – Implications for biomonitoring and ecotoxicology. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 112 (1), 20
(50) Hanley M.L.***, Vukicevich E., Rice A.M.***, Richardson J.B., Uptake of Toxic Nutrient Elements by Foraged Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms Throughout Connecticut River Valley, New England, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 (4), 5526-553920
Hanley et al 2024 ‘ Toxic and nutrient metals in foraged mushrooms CT River Valley New England’
(49) Avkopashvili G., Gongadze A., Richardson J., Gakhokidze R., Osidze I., Asanidze L., Bioaccumulation of Macro and Micro Elements by the Amaranthus Viridis from the Cadmium-Contaminated Soil. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 17:3
Avkopashvili et al 2023 ‘Bioaccumulation of macro and micro elements by amaranthus’
(48) Imran W***, Richardson, J.B. 2023 Trace Element (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Se, U) Concentrations and Health Hazards from Drinking Water and Market Rice across Lahore City, Pakistan. Sustainability 15, 13463.
Imran and Richardson 2023 ‘Trace elements in drinking water and rice across Lahore’
(47) Sirkovich EC***, Walser SL***, Richardson JB, Perdrial N. Evaluating Trace Elements in Urban Forest Soils across Three Contrasting New England USA Towns and Cities by pXRF and Mass Spectrometry . Accepted in Environmental Pollution
Sirkovich et al 2023 ‘Evaluating trace elements in urban forest soils three towns pXRF’
(46) Butler MJ***, Yellen BC, Oyewumi O., Richardson JB “Accumulation and transport of nutrient and pollutant elements in riparian soils, sediments, and river waters across the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut, USA” Science of the Total Environment 165630.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165630
(45) Richardson JB, Thrasher SA***, Saccardi B***, Clark EV. Sulfidic schist release of As, Cu, and Pb in laboratory experiments and across eleven watersheds in central Massachusetts, USA. Environmental Geochemistry and Health.
Richardson et al 2023 Sulfidic schist release of As, Cu, and Pb in eleven watersheds central MA’
(44) Street BB***, Rice AM***, Richardson JB. Forest Floor and Na azide effect on elements in leachate from contrasting New Hampshire and Virginia forest soils. Accepted in Soil Science Society of America Journal.
(43) Richardson JB, Linking soil to river water export of nutrient and oxyhydroxide forming elements across land-uses in the Deerfield River, Massachusetts, USA. CATENA, 228, p.107174.
Richardson 2023 ‘Storage and export of nutrient and oxyhydroxide elements across soils and watersheds Deerfield Massachusetts’
(42) Bowdish L***, Duran A***, Richardson JB., Vukicevich E., Mycorrhizal fungi and soil factors influence toxic element uptake in urban grown produce. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems. 8(1), p.e20037
(41) Walser SL***, Sirkovich EC***, Richardson JB, McStay AE***, Perdrial NJ. Moisture, organic matter, and large particle correction for accurate Pb portable X-ray fluorescence assessment in urban soils. X-Ray Spectrometry 52(2):72-82 1-11 DOI: 10.1002/xrs.3321
Walser et al 2022 ‘Moisture organic matter and large particle correction for accurate Pb pXRF
(40) McStay AE***, Walser SL***, Sirkovich EC***, Perdrial NJ, Richardson JB. Macronutrients micronutrients, and toxic elements in soils measured by pXRF and ICP-based methods and assessment of plant tissue concentrations across ten urban community garden soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 51, No. 3, pp. 439-450.
(39) Richardson JB, Johnston MR, Herrick BM. Accumulation of macronutrients (Ca, Mg, P, K) in forest and laboratory soils following invasion by Amynthas tokioensis and Amynthas agrestis Pedosphere 91, p.15080.
(38) Baranes H.E.***, Woodruff J. D., Geyer 2 W. R., Yellen B. C., Richardson J.B. Sources, Mechanisms, and Timescales of Sediment Delivery to a New England Salt Marsh. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 127(3), p.e2021JF006478
(37) Richardson JB, Mischenko IC***, Butler MJ***. Mercury in forest soils and suspended sediments in the Connecticut River, Merrimack River, and Thames River watersheds of the northeastern USA. Pollutants 2(2), pp.252-268
Richardson et al 2022 ‘Mercury in Temperate Forest soils and suspended sediments CT, Merrimack, and Thames Rivers’
(36) Richardson JB, Mischenko IC***, Mackowiak TJ***, Pedrial N. Trace metals and metalloids and Ga/Al ratios in grey shale weathering profiles along a climate gradient and in batch reactors Geoderma 405, 115431
Richardson et al 2022 ‘Trace metals and metalloids and Ga-Al ratios in grey shale weathering profiles climate gradient batch reactors’
(35) Richardson JB, Chase JK, 2021 Transfer of major nutrients, micronutrient, and toxic elements from soil to grapes to white wines in uncontaminated vineyards. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(24), 13271
(34) Brantley SL, Wen T., Agarwal D., Catalano, J.G., Schroeder, P.A., Lehnert, K., Varadharajan, C., Pett-Ridge, J., Engle, M., Castronova, A.M. Hooper, R.P., Ma X., Jin, L., McHenry K., Aronson E., Shaughnessy AR., Derry LA., Richardson JB., Bales J., Piece EM., The future low-temperature geochemical data-scape as envisioned by the US geochemical community. Computers & Geosciences 157:104933
(33) Richardson JB. Shale weathering profiles show Hg sequestration along a New York-Tennessee transect. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 44(10), 3515-3526.
Richardson 2021 ‘Shale Weathering Profiles Show Hg Sequestration NY-TN gradient’
(32) Chang, C.H., Bartz, M.L., Brown, G., Callaham, M.A., Cameron, E.K., Dávalos, A., Dobson, A., Görres, J.H., Herrick, B.M., Ikeda, H. James, S.W.,…Richardson J.B., Snyder, B.A. Szlavecz K., 2021. The second wave of earthworm invasions in North America: biology, environmental impacts, management and control of invasive jumping worms. Biological Invasions, pp.1-32.
Chang et al 2021 ‘The Second Wave Of Earthworm Invasion in North America’ pdf
(31) Richardson J.B., Zuñiga L.X. 2021, Quantifying aluminosilicate manganese release and dissolution rates across organic ligand treatments from rocks, minerals, and soils. Acta Geochimica pp.1-14.
(30) Peach M.E., Richardson J.B., Friedland, A.J., Legacies of Nutrient Retention and Loss in Residential Ecosystems. Ecosystems 24, 1891–1905.
Peach Richardson Friedland 2021 ‘Yard Legacies Of Nutrient Accumulation’ pdf
(29) Mackowiak TJ***, Mischenko IC***, Butler MJ***, Richardson JB. Accumulation of Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils and Foliage across Lithologies, Ecosystems, and Development Intensities in Southern California. Journal of Soils and sediments 21:1713-1729
(28) Richardson JB. 2021 Comparing trace element (As, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) soil-surface water linkages in montane, upland watersheds with lowland, urban watersheds in New England, USA. 13(1), 59
(27) Timothy S. McCay, George Brown, Mac A. Callaham, Jr., Chih-Han Chang, Andrea Dávalos, Annise Dobson, Josef H. Görres, Bradley M. Herrick, Samuel W. James, Marie R. Johnston, Damhnait McHugh, Tanya Minteer, Jean-David Moore, Maryam Nouri-Aiin, Marta Novo, Jaime Ortiz-Pachar, Rebecca A. Pinder, Justin B. Richardson, Bruce A. Snyder, Katalin Szlavecz. Tools for Monitoring and Study of Peregrine Pheretimoid Earthworms (Megascolecidae) Pedobiologia 83, p.150669
(26) Sizmur T., Richardson J.B., 2020 Earthworms accelerate the biogeochemical cycling of potentially toxic elements: Results of a meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 148, p.107865
(25) Mistikawy J.A.***, Mackowiak T.***, Butler M.J.***, Mischenko I.C.***, Cernack R.S., Richardson J.B. 2020 Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, and Cobalt mobility and bioavailability from mafic-to-ultramafic mine spoil weathering in western Massachusetts, USA. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 42(10), pp.3263-3279
(24) Richardson J.B., 2020 Urban forests near municipal solid waste incinerators do not show elevated trace metal or rare earth element concentrations across three cities in the northeast USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(17):21790-21803
(23) Richardson J.B., Görres, J.H., Sizmur. T., 2020 Synthesis of earthworm trace metal uptake and bioaccumulation data: role of soil concentration, earthworm ecophysiology, and experimental design. Environmental Pollution 114126
Richardson et al 2020 ‘Synthesis of earthworm trace metal uptake and bioaccumulation data’ PDF
(22) Richardson J.B.., Leon M.S,*** 2020 “A tale of three cities: mercury in urban deciduous trees and soils across land-uses in Poughkeepsie NY, Hartford CT, and Springfield MA USA”. Science of the Total Environment 715, 136869
Richardson and Moore 2020 ‘A tale of 3 cities – Hg in urban deciduous foliage and soils’ PDF
(21) Marek R.S.***, Richardson J.B. 2020 “Investigating surficial geologic controls on soil properties and tree growth and nutrients in Western Massachusetts” Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20:901–911
Marek and Richardson 2020 ‘Surficial Geologic controls soil Hardwood growth’ PDF
(20) Dobson A.M., Richardson J.B., Blossey B., 2020 “Effects of earthworms and white-tailed deer on roots, arbuscular mycorrhizae and forest seedling performance” Ecology 101, No.1 e02903
Dobson et al 2020 ‘Earthworms and white-tailed deer on roots, mycorrhiae, and seedlings’ PDF
(19) Richardson J.B., 2019 “Trace elements in surface soils and Megascolecidae earthworms in urban forests adjacent to four land-uses around Poughkeepsie, New York, USA”. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
Richardson 2019 ‘Trace elements in soils and earthworms in urban forests NY USA’ PDF
(18) Jordan J.D.***, Cernak R., Richardson J.B. 2019 “Exploring the role of soil geochemistry on Mn and Ca uptake on 75-year-old mine spoils in western Massachusetts, USA” Environmental Geochemistry and Health.
DOI: 10.1007/s10653-019-00339-x
Jordan Richardson Cernak 2019 ‘Manganese and Ca mine spoils’
(17) Richardson J.B., King E.K., 2018. Regolith weathering and sorption influences molybdenum, vanadium, and chromium export via stream water at four granitoid Critical Zone Observatories. Frontiers in Earth Science 193:1–15
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2018.00193
Richardson and King 2018 ‘Regolith Mo, V and Cr at four CZOs’
(16) Richardson J.B., Aguirre A.A., Buss H.L., O’Geen A.T., Gu X., Rempe D.M., Richter D.D., 2018 Mercury sourcing and sequestration in weathering profiles at six Critical Zone Observatories across North America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32:1542-1555.
DOI: 10.1029/2018GB005974
Richardson et al 2018 ‘Mercury sourcing and sequestration weathering profiles six CZOs’ PDF
(15) Richardson J.B., Bernd, B., Dobson A.M., Earthworm impacts on trace metal (Al, Fe, Mo, Cu, Zn, Pb) exchangeability and uptake by young Acer saccharum and Polystichum acrostichoides. 2018 Biogeochemistry 138:103–11
(14) Dobson A.M., Richardson J.B., Bernd, B. 2017. Invasive earthworms change nutrient availability and uptake by forest understory plants. Plant and Soil 421:175–190.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3412-9
Dobson Blossey Richardson 2017 ‘Invasive earthworms change nutrients forest understory’ PDF
(13) Richardson J.B., Petrenko C.L., Friedland A.J. 2017. Organic horizon and mineral soil mercury along three clear-cut forest chronosequences across the northeastern U.S. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24:27994–28005.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0356-9
Richardson et al 2017 ‘Organic and mineral soil mercury clear-cut chronosequences’ PDF
(12) Richardson J.B., Görres J.H., Friedland A.J. 2017. Exotic earthworms decrease Cd, Hg, and Pb pools in upland forest soils of Vermont and New Hampshire USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99:428-432.
DOI: 10.1007/s00128-017-2170-y
Richardson et al 2017 ‘Exotic earthworms decrease Cd Hg Pb in forest soils’ PDF
(11) Richardson J.B., Petrenko C.L., Friedland A.J. 2017. Base cation and micronutrient dynamics along three clear-cut chronosequences in the northeastern US. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 109:161-179.
Richardson et al 2017 ‘Base cations and micronutrients along 3 chronosequences’ PDF
(10) Richardson J.B. 2017 Manganese and Mn/Ca ratios in soil and vegetation forests across the northeastern US: insights on spatial Mn enrichment. Science of the Total Environment 581:612-620.
Richardson 2017 ‘Mn and Mn-Ca ratios in soil and vegetation NE USA’ PDF
(9) Richardson J.B., Renock D.J., Görres J.H., Jackson B.P., Webb S.M., Friedland A.J. 2016. Nutrient and pollutant metals within earthworm residues are immobilized in soil during decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 101:217-225.
Richardson et al 2016 ‘Nutrient and pollutant metals in earthworm residues immobilized in soil’ PDF
(8) Richardson, J.B., Gorres J.H., Friedland A.J., 2016. Forest floor decomposition, metal exchangeability, and metal bioaccumulation by Amynthas agrestis and Lumbricus rubellus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:18253–18266
Richardson et al 2016 ‘Forest floor decomposition, metal bioaccumulation by earthworms’ PDF
(7) Richardson, J.B Friedland A.J. 2016. Influence of coniferous and deciduous vegetation on major and trace metals in forests of northern New England, USA. Plant and Soil 402:363–378.
Richardson and Friedland 2016 ‘Major and trace metals conif and decid forest soils’ PDF
(6) Richardson, J.B Friedland A.J. 2015. Mercury in Coniferous and Deciduous Upland Forests in Northern New England, USA: Implications from Climate Change. Biogeosciences 12, 6737-6749.
Richardson and Friedland 2015 ‘Mercury in coniferous and deciduous forests’ PDF
(5) Richardson, J.B., Gorres J.H., Friedland A.J., Jackson B.P., 2015. Trace Metals and Metalloids in Forest Soils and Invasive Earthworms in Northern New England, USA. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46:89-95
Richardson Gorres et al 2015′ Trace metals in soils and earthworms’ PDF
(4) Richardson J.B., Donaldson E.C., Friedland A.J., 2015. Response of lead, copper and zinc concentrations in forest soils to decreasing emissions in the northeastern United States: a synthesis. Science of the Total Environment 505:851 – 859.
Richardson et al 2015 ‘Forest floor Pb, Zn, Cu NE-USA’ PDF ‘
(3) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Kaste J.M., Jackson B.P. 2014. Forest floor lead changes from 1980 to 2011 and subsequent accumulation in the mineral soil across the northeastern United Sates. Journal of Environmental Quality 43:926-935.
Richardson et al 2014 ‘Forest Floor Lead from 1980 to 2011’ PDF
(2) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Engerbretson T.R., Kaste J.M., Jackson B.P. 2013. The spatial and vertical distribution of mercury in upland forest soils across the northeastern United States Environmental Pollution 182:127-134
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.22013.07.011
Richardson et al 2013 ‘Spatial and vertical distribution of Hg’ pdf
(1) Richardson J.B., Chatterjee A., Jenerette G.D., 2012. Optimum temperatures for soil respiration along a semi-arid elevation gradient in southern California. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46:89-95
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.008
Richardson et al., (2012) Optimum soil respiration PDF
Jelinski N.A., Richardson J.B., Nater E.A., “Soils of humid cool temperate regions” Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. 2nd Edition. Edited by B. Xing and S. Staunton. 2022
Richardson J.B. “Alkaline Earth Metals in Soil” Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. 2nd Edition. Edited by B. Xing and S. Staunton. 2022
Richardson J.B. Perdrial NJ, Vautour B. “Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) for Rapid Assessment of Toxic and Nutrient Metals in Soils” USDA-NRCS Technology Focus Team2022
Richardson J.B. 2017 A commentary on “Anthropogenic mercury sequestration in different soil types on the southeast coast of China” by Zhang et al. (J Soils Sediments 15:962-971. doi:10.1007/s11368-015-1062-1, 2015). DOI: 10.1007/s11368-017-1788-z
Richardson J.B. 2017 “Critical Zone” definition. Encyclopedia of Geochemistry. Part of the series Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series pp 1-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_355-1
Richardson 2017 ‘Critical Zone’ Encyclopedia of Geochemistry
Richardson J.B. and contributors. 2016 – 2017 Adventures in the Critical Blog – the blog of the Critical Zone Observatory National Office.
Link to Adventures in the Critical Zone Blogs
Richardson J.B. 2013 Studying soil Science at an Ivy League School. Soil Horizons.
DOI: 10.2136/sh2013-54-5-rc
Full text here
(***) Indicates Mentee presenter
(75) Richardson JB, Dobson AM “Phosphorus biogeochemistry in contrasting MidAtlantic and New England deciduous forests – trees dominate cycling but soils control storage” American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington DC December 13th 2024.
(74) Truong MT***, Richardson JB, “Urban Road Dust Mitigation By Urban Forest Canopy Near Interstate Highways In Mid-Atlantic Cities: Cu and Zn Profile And Health Risk Assessment” American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington DC December 10th 2024.
(73) Ackerman A***, Limaye AB, Copenheaver CA, Peterson J, Frye E, Richardson JB, “Investigating the Effects of Landslide Disturbance on Soil and Vegetation in a Steep Landscape in Central Virginia” American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington DC December 9th 2024.
(72) Faddis RJ***, Lerdau MT, Chinn AN, Irvine AK, Himmel OO, Barnard JA, Richardson JB. “Soil organic carbon along nested soil catenas and across land-uses on the Piedmont Virginia, USA”. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. San Antonio Texas. November 13th 2024.
(71) Richardson JB “Does pedogenesis or temperature control nutrient oxyanion (phosphorus and molybdenum) cycling in temperate forests?” Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. San Antonio Texas. November 13th 2024.
(70) Richardson JB “Linking pedogenesis with geology through an Appalachian Mountain soil transplant study and Southern California bedrock transect” Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. San Antonio Texas. November 12th 2024.
(69) Pavlovich M., Kaste JM, Richardson JB. Measuring the Total Lead Soil Burden in Organic Horizons Along an Elevational Profile in the Green Mountain Range of Northern Vermont. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. April 15 2024
(68) Richardson JB, Dobson AM “Does climate or tree roots control C and nutrient sequestration in temperate forests? A soil translocation approach” 11th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior. San Juan, Puerto Rico Jan 8th 2024.
(67) Richardson JB “Importance of inherited Fe oxides on toxic (As, Cd, Pb) and potentially toxic metals (Cu, Ni, Zn) from grey shale-derived soils on geologic timescales” 11th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior. San Juan, Puerto Rico Jan 9th 2024.
(66)Cable B***, Bloom E***, Perdrial N, Treto V., Underwood K., Shanley JB, Hicks N, Li L, Kincaid DW, Richardson JB, Seybold EC, Stewart B, Vierbicher A, Perdrial JN, Rice A. “Disturbances, Resilience, and the Role of Calcium-Bearing Minerals Weathering in Northeastern Forests”. American Geophysical Union – San Francisco December 2023.
(65) Richardson JB, “Trace element spatial distributions and temporal changes during the Anthropocene and their implications for SOC dynamics” B12B – Soils in the Anthropocene: Cross-Scale Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change. American Geophysical Union – San Francisco.
(64) Richardson JB, Clark EV “Neoformed Iron Oxides Prevent Arsenic and Lead in Sulfidic Schists from Contaminating Streamwater at the Watershed Scale in Massachusetts, USA” B32D Trace Element Biogeochemical Cycling and Environmental Consequences II. American Geophysical Union – San Francisco.
(63) Richardson JB, Dobson AM, Keiser AD “Uprooting Parent Material Controls: Investigating Climate and Root-Priming Effects on C and Nutrient Sequestration within Homogenized Soil Columns” Soils in the Anthropocene: Cross-Scale Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change. American Geophysical Union – San Francisco.
(62) ***Hanley ML, Vukicevich E., ***Rice AM, Richardson JB, “Legacy of soil pollution drives arsenic, mercury, and lead bioaccumulation in edible and medicinal mushrooms across southern New England” ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO Oct 30th 2023.
(61) Soils: Determining Base Cation Release to Northern Hardwood Forests across Lithologic and Pedogenic Gradients” ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO Oct 30th 2023. (Poster- 1st Place Division Award)
(60) Richardson JB “Revisiting George Borst’s Pedologist’s Chants Cantorum with Three Cantata Variations” ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO Oct 30th 2023.
(59) Richardson JB “Basalt Enhanced Rock Weathering Effect on Soil Nutrients and Physical Properties-Two Case Studies Organic Farms in New England, USA” ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO Oct 30th 2023.
(58) Richardson JB, “Invasive Amynthas and Metaphire earthworms in New England forests, their damage to soils and alteration of nutrients” Northeast Organic Farming Association – Summer Meeting August 6th 2022. Invited
(57) Richardson JB “Assessing the accuracy and precision of pXRF measurements of potentially toxic trace elements in field soils”. Northeast Cooperative Soil Survey. Applied Technology Committee meeting – University of Delaware. Online June, 2022
(56) Richardson JB, “On metals in worms and wines, applications of biogeochemistry to agricultural and environmental contaminants” Pennsylvania State University – 24th Annual Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology Student Symposium – Keynote address. In-person, State College, PA April 9th. Invited
(55) Richardson JB, “Applying trace metal biogeochemistry to mines and wines: linking rocks to plants and people” University of Virginia – Dept. Environmental Science – Spring Seminar April 21st.Invited
(54) Richardson JB, “Mines and wines – application of biogeochemistry from rocks to plants and humans”. University of Connecticut. Dept of Geosciences. Spring Seminar Series. In-person, Storrs, CT April 1st. Invited
(53) Richardson JB, Mischenko IC***, Butler MJ***, “Forest soil accumulation and suspended sediment transport of Hg in the Connecticut, Merrimack, and Thames River Watersheds” Northeastern Geological Society of America. Reading, PA March 19th 2022
(52) Richardson JB, “Does soil development control sourcing or release of toxic (Cd, Pb) and potentially toxic metals (Cu, Ni) from grey shale-derived soils?” Northeastern Geological Society of America. Reading, PA March 19th2022
(51) Street BB***., Richardson JB, “Nutrient and Trace Metal Dissolution from Forest Soils across a Climate Gradient Under Forest Floor and Microbial Treatments” Soil Science Society of America 2021. Virtual
(50) Richardson JB, Mischenko IC, “Traditional Plant Availability Measures of Ca, P, K, and Mg in the Rhizosphere Fail to Predict Uptake By Northern Hardwoods” Soil Science Society of America 2021. Virtual
(49) Zuñiga LX***, Boutt DF, Richardson JB, “Manganese Sourcing and Transport in Massachusetts Groundwater: Understanding Dissolution Mechanisms and Creating a Temporally Variant Database” Northeastern Geological Society of America 2021. Virtual
(48) Richardson JB, “Exploring forest soil health: Geochemical and glaciological controls on tree nutrient acquisition and growth across New England” University of New Hampshire – Fall Environmental Science Seminar Series for the Natural Resources and Earth Systems Science 2021 (in person) Invited
(47) Richardson JB, “Exploring effects of potentially toxic metals on forest health and drinking water from ultramafic lithology” University of Rhode Island – College of the Environment and Life Sciences – Biological and Environmental Sciences Colloquium Series. series. 2021 Virtual. Invited
(46) Richardson JB, “Invasive Earthworms in New England Forests, their damage and their spread.” Wistariahurst Museum, Holyoke MA. December 2020 Virtual. Invited
(45) Richardson JB, “Terroir biogeochemistry: differences in nutrients and toxic metals in wines across three regions of the USA” University of Reading, Reading, UK. Fall Seminar speaker. December 2020 Virtual. Invited
(44) Richardson JB, “Importance of Soil-Surface Water Interactions – Modern Transport and Sequestration of Historical Arsenic and Lead Pollution in the Shetucket, Quinebaug, and Yantic Watersheds, Connecticut” Geological Society of America Meeting October 2020. Virtual
(43) Richardson JB, Zuñiga LX*** “Manganese Dissolution in the Critical Zone – Effects of Minerals, Organic Ligands, and pH”. Soil Science Society of America November 2020. Virtual
(42) Mischenko IC***, Mackowiak, TJ, Richardson JB “Geologic and Anthropogenic Controls on the Regional Scale Variability of Nutrients in Forest Soils across Southern New England”. Soil Science Society of America November 2020. Virtual
(41) Mackowiak TJ***, Richardson JB “Trace Metal Sources in Urban Southern California Soils”. Geological Society of America October 2020. Virtual
(40) Mistikawy JB***, Mischenko IC, Mackowiak, TJ, Richardson JB “Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, and Cobalt Mobility from Mafic-to-Ultramafic Mine Spoil Weathering in Western, Massachusetts, USA”. Geological Society of America October 2020. Virtual
(39) Sirkovich EC***, Perdrial NS, Richardson JB “Contributions to PXRF measurement error for trace metals in urban soils across properties and conditions”. Geological Society of America October 2020. Virtual
(38) Richardson JB “Exploring measurement error with portable XRF trace metal measurements – Moving towards a standard Protocol”. Northeast Cooperative Soil Survey – Virginia Tech. Online June, 2020
(37) Sizmur T., Richardson JB “Earthworms accelerate the biogeochemical cycling of potentially toxic elements: Results of a meta-analysis”. European Geological Society – General Assembly. Online April, 2020
(36) Richardson JB, “Deciphering geologic and anthropogenic toxic metals across New England”. University of Vermont, Department of Geology, Spring Seminar series. Burlington, VT. April 15th, 2019. Invited
(35) Richardson JB, Thinking past NPK, are meso and micronutrients limiting New England forests? Harvard Forest Seminar series. Petersham, MA. April 4th, 2019. Invited
(34) Fitzgerald EJ***, Richardson JB, “The influence of microbial communities and secondary oxides on Manganese carbonate and amphibolite weathering”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.
(33) Marek R***, Richardson JB, “Investigating Geologic Controls on Ecophysiology and Nutrient Cycling in the Forest of New England”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.
(32) Braithwaite B***, Richardson JB, “Retention of Trace Metals in Urban Forests and Soils Near Municipal Waste Incinerators Facilities in the Northeastern United States”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.
(31) Richardson JB, “Manganese uptake by northern hardwoods on Mn-carbonate rich Mine-tailings – a geochemical conundrum in Western Massachusetts”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Portland Maine. March 18th, 2019.
(30) Richardson JB “Toxic and Essential Trace Metals in New England Soils and rocks”. Williams College. February 22nd, 2019.
(29) Richardson JB, King EK “Regolith weathering and iron oxides influence vanadium retention and stream export at four Critical Zone Observatories”. Soil Science Society of America Meeting, San Diego CA. January 8th, 2019.
(28) Palmer CA***, Richardson JB, Derry LA “Greater gallium sorption rates due to intense chemical weathering: variations across four CZOs in the United States”. Soil Science Society of America Meeting, San Diego CA. January 8th, 2019.
(27) Richardson JB, “Developing Geochemical Mn/Ca Ratio as a Tracer for Mn Contamination”. Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, Amherst MA. October 17th, 2018.
(26) Richardson JB, “Manganese contamination from Massachusetts to Virginia: disservices of the Critical Zone”. Boston University – Fall Seminar Series. October 15th, 2018.Invited
(25) Richardson JB, “Understanding the role of vegetation and deep regolith in manganese biogeochemistry”. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory – Columbia University. Oct 10th, 2018. Invited
(24) Richardson JB, “Phase Partitioning and Mobility of Mn across Six Critical Zone Observatories: Comparing Plant and Bedrock Controls”. Northeastern Section – Geological Society of America Meeting Burlington Vermont. March 18th, 2018.
(23) Richardson JB, Richter D “Mercury in Soils of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory: Importance of Redox Features in Sequestration.” Society of America Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida. October 24th 2017
(22) Richardson JB, Derry LA “Gallium Sorption and Inclusion in Al and Fe Oxides” Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida. October 24th 2017.
(21) Richardson JB “Applications of Geochemistry to Critical Zone Science” The Dr. Booker Juma Seminar Series, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC. October 19th, 2017. Invited
(20) Richardson JB “Critical Zone science and the Future of Soil Science” Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA. October 17th, 2017.
(19) Richardson JB “Geoscience: moving from ‘Rocks for Jocks’ to tackling the future of Earth” Cornell Engineering CATALYST Academy. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. July 19th, 2017. Invited
(18) Richardson JB “Mercury in the Critical Zone: A global problem with few global solutions” Earth System Science Seminar. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. May 23rd, 2017. Invited
(17) Richardson JB, Richter DD, Derry LA. “Weathering losses and phase partitioning of Aluminum in the Critical Zone using Gallium/Aluminum ratios” Geological Society of America Joint Northeastern / North-Central Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. March 20th, 2017.
(16) Richardson J.B. “Metal pollutants and geochemical tracers in the Critical Zone” Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. March 13th, 2017. Invited
(15) Richardson J.B. “Trace metals in the Critical Zone across the northeastern United States” University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA. January 26th, 2017. Invited
(14) Richardson J.B., Derry L.A. “Using gallium as a tracer of aluminum in the Critical Zone: influences on terrestrial cycling from vegetation.” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 13th, 2016
(13) Richardson J.B. “Tracing Critical Zone processes using trace metals” Brown University, Providence, RI. November 9th, 2016. Invited
(12) Richardson J.B. “A tale of two metals: Lead and Gallium in the Critical Zone” Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. October 18th, 2016.Invited
(11) Richardson J.B. “Critical Zone science – In and Beyond the Classroom” Teacher Resources Day, Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, NY. October 1st, 2016
(10) Richardson J.B. “Cross-scale discussion: Changes to mercury and lead biogeochemistry from invasive earthworms in New England forests” Biogeochemistry and Climate Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. February 26th, 2016. Invited
(9) Richardson J.B., “Earthworm and vegetation effects on mercury accumulation in forest soils in northern New England” Plant and Soil Science Seminar Series, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. September 18th, 2015.Invited
(8) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Gorres J.H., Renock D.J., Jackson B.P., “Invasive and exotic earthworms: an unaccounted change to mercury cycling in northeastern US forest soils” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 17th, 2014.
(7) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Vario C.L., “Mercury pools in forest soils along three chronosequences in northeastern US” Soil Science Society of America General Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Long Beach, CA November 5th, 2014.
(6) Richardson J.B., “Mercury Cycling in Soils: Existing Knowledge and Areas of Consideration” Soil Science Society of America General Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Long Beach, CA November 5th, 2014.
(5) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Vario C.L., “Mercury, Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in forest soils along three clear-cut chronosequences in northeastern US” Biogeomon 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, University of Bayreuth, Germany. July 18th, 2014.
(4) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Jackson B.P. Kaste J.M. “Linking Mercury and Lead Retention in the Forest Floor Across the Northeastern United States” Soil Science Soceity of America General Meeting, Tampa, FL. November 6th, 2013.
(3) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Jackson B.P. “The effects of soil properties and vegetation on mercury accumulation in upland forest soils across the northeastern United States” Soil Science Soceity of America General Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. October 12, 2012.
(2) Richardson J.B., Friedland A.J., Engerbretson T.R., Kaste J.M., Jackson B.P. “Temporal changes and vertical distribution of trace metals in upland forest soils across the northeastern United States” Biogeomon, 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, Northport, Maine. July 15– July 20, 2012.
(1) Richardson J.B., Jenerette G.D., Chatterjee A., “Soil respiration patterns along a 3000 m elevation gradient” Western Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. June 21– 24, 2010.
2024 University of Virginia EVSC 4270/7270, Introduction to Soil Science, Professor. 18 students in course. Lead course design, lectures, examinations, assignments, projects, designed laboratory sections, grading assignments, exams, and reports.
2024 University of Virginia EVGE 5812. Soil Biogeochemistry seminar Professor. 8 students in course. Lead course design, assignments, projects, grading assignments, exams, and reports.
2020, 2021, 2022 University of Massachusetts Amherst. Introduction to Environmental Science. Professor. 215 students in course. Lead course design, assignments, projects, grading assignments, exams, and reports.
2022 University of Massachusetts Amherst. Inorganic Contaminants in Soils. Professor
2018, 2021 University of Massachusetts Amherst
Geosciences/Stockbridge/Environmental Sciences 565 Soil Formation and Classification. Professor.
2018, 2019 University of Massachusetts Amherst Geography 110 Global Environmental Change. Professor.
2015 Dartmouth College ENVS 25 Ecological Agriculture, Professor.
2014 Dartmouth Adventures in STEM. Graduate Student Assistant
2012, 2014 Dartmouth College EARS 35/ENVS 79 The Soil Resource, Teaching Assistant.
2012 – 2014 Dartmouth College ENVS 25 Ecological Agriculture. Teaching Assistant.
2012 Dartmouth College EARS 2 Early Life History, Teaching Assistant.
2011 – 2013 Dartmouth College ENVS 2 Introduction to Environmental Science, Teaching Assistant.
2010 University of California, Riverside ENSC 101 Water Resources, Teaching Assistant.
Graduate and Undergraduate Advising
Graduate Students – Chair of committee
In Progress MS Nischal Acharya “Rock dust and biochar impacts on nutrient and carbon cycling in soybean plant-soil systems.
In Progress PhD Minh (Robin) Tri Truong “Identifying vehicle and fugitive coal dust air pollution using stable isotopes”.
In Progress PhD Alexandrea M. Rice “Application of Ca and Mg isotopes to determine nutrient sourcing across forest maturation stages
2022 M.S. LeAnn X. Zuñiga, “Sources and transport of Manganese to Groundwater”. UMass Amherst. Co-advised with Dr. David Boutt.
2020 M.S. Corey A. Palmer, “Application of Ga/Al ratios to Critical Zone evolution”. UMass Amherst Dept of Geosciences. Chair. Defended August 2020.
2020 M.S. Hillary Kenyon, “Phosphorus Mobility and Availability in Soils and Sediments.” UMass Amherst Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Co-chair with Dr. Mickey Spokas.
Graduate Students – Serving on committee
In progress PhD student Willow Lovecky. University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Committee Member
In progress MS student Abigail Ackerman. University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Committee Member
In progress MS student Alejandra Vega Gonzalez. University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Committee Member
In progress PhD student William Bradford Loner. University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Committee Member
2023 PhD student Xuyen Mai, “An Assessment of Biological Filtration of Manganese: Understanding Mechanisms and Optimizing Operations”. In progress at UMass Amherst., Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. Committee Member .
2023 PhD Brian Saccardi – Sources and Controls of Carbon Dioxide in Inland Waters at Watershed, Reginal, and Continental Scales. Dept of Geosciences, UMass Amherst.
2023 Victoria Treto – Mineral weathering in forest soils. University of Vermont
Completed M.S. Degree in Geology with Dr. Nicolas Perdrial.
2021 Sandra Walser – Soil metals by portable XRF. University of Vermont
Completed M.S. Degree in Geology with Dr. Nicolas Perdrial.
2018 M.S. Rachelle Lacroix. “Mineral and Redox Controls on Soil Carbon Cycling in Seasonally Flooded Soils”. UMass Amherst – Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Committee Member
2023 Owen Porterfield – Conducted field work and laboratory experiments. Honors thesis: “Assessing Changes in Lead and Mercury Distributions and Cycling Dynamics in Undisturbed Forests of the Northeastern United States Between 2011 and 2021”.Chair
2023 Marissa Hanley – Conducted field and laboratory work. Senior thesis topic: “Analyzing the Uptake of Toxic and Nutrient elements in Foraged Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms throughout New England’s Connecticut River Valley”. Chair
2022 Bailee B. Street. Undergraduate researcher conducting field work and laboratory experiments. Senior Thesis: “Nutrient and Trace Metal weathering and transport from Forest Soils Under Forest Floor and Na Azide Treatments”. Chair.
2022 Stephanie Thrasher Undergraduate Researcher Senior Thesis: “Leaching of trace metals from sulfidic schists and other rock formations in Central Massachusetts”. Chair.
2021 Eric Sirkovich undergraduate researcher. UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Senior Thesis: “Influence of Variable Soil properties on pXRF Analyses of Trace element Concentrations in Urban Soils”. Chair.
2020 Jahziel Chase undergraduate researcher. Processed wines for macronutrient and trace element analysis. Co-wrote study on metals in wine.
2020 Ivan Mischenko undergraduate researcher. Collected forest soil and tree samples. Measured trace elements and conducted spectral reflectance experiments.
2020 Ainsley McStay undergraduate researcher. Sampled community garden soils for trace metals and macro nutrients and conducted greenhouse experiment on Pb, Cd, As uptake by calendula, cilantro, green amaranthus, chamomoille
2020 Mark S. Butler undergraduate researcher. UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Senior Thesis: “Riparian soil retention and sediment and dissolved transport of toxic metals in the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut” Chair.
2020 Trevor J Mackowiak, UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Senior Thesis: “An Analysis of Trace Metals in Southern California Soils Across Lithologies and an Urban, Climatic Gradient” Chair.
2019 Leon Moore, undergraduate researcher. Developed protocol for Cesium 137 measurement using gamma counter. Collected subsamples from USDA-NRCS subaqueous soil coring. Analyzed hundreds of soil, sediment, and vegetation samples for Hg. Co-authored study.
2019 Brendan Braithwaite, UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Senior Thesis: “Retention of trace metals in urban forests and soils near municipal waste incineration facilities in northeastern U.S.”, Chair.
2019 Rudolph S. Marek IV, UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Senior Thesis: Investigating geologic controls on ecophysiology and nutrient cycling in the Forests of New England, Chair.
2018 Benjamin Kumpf, Wooster College Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis: Gallium and Aluminum during igneous rock weathering, Chair.
2014 Isabel Caldwell, 2014. Dartmouth College: Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis: Arsenic and Uranium Mobilization and Accumulation from Bedrock to Soil throughout New Hampshire, Chairv
American Geophysical Union member
Geological Society of America member
Soil Science Society of America member
Peer-reviewed articles in the following journals (within past 5 years)
Biogeochemistry, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Plant and Soil, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Geophysical Research, Nature-Scientific Reports, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Forests, Environmental Earth Sciences, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Ecosystems, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, and Journal of Geochemical Exploration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, and International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Ecological Applications, Chemosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, Geochimica Cosmochimica et Acta, Resources, conservation and Recycling, Toxics.